My first serious encounter with a Russian system happened in 2009. All Russian (Kremlin) system turned on me with all mighty force, but I did fight back. I survived. Against me were police, FSB, Prosecutor Office, Investigation Office and judges. All if them so called "law", but they are not a law, they are bunch of crooks who are braking their own laws. They are privatized law in Russia.
It was an entrapment against me committed by police, supported by falsification of FSB. There was only one reason for that, it is to stop my political activity by any means necessary.
Short story. I was installing surveillance cameras, working for a chain of supermarkets. Some company director called me and asked to help him to catch a thief, that stealing his money. He asked me to install a camera into his computer speaker. After installation a "company director" showed a badge of police officer. I was charged with selling "special technical equipment ". 4 years of prison for that. The FSB in Moscow wrote a "technical" expertise, that camera in computer speaker is the "special technical equipment ". The only thing nobody in Russia knows what is a "special technical equipment", only FSB could specify and it is a state secret. I was convicted. OK, camera in computer speaker is a "crime" of the century, but who staged that "crime"? The FSB and police staged a "crime". The judge and Prosecutor Office absolutely were not interested in who was the requester of "crime". All that Kremlin circus lasted for 1 year.
Sergey Kirichenko - chief of police ( general). He organized a "operational experiment" (entrapment) against me and appointed a police officers to do it.
General of FSB confirmed a fake "technical expertise" against me. The Persecutor Office supported those generals, braking their own "laws" and charged me. There were about 40 officers of police, FSB ( new KGB) and Persecutor Office against me.
I walked out free from those courts of hell, though I was labeled as a criminal.
I organized throughout the Russia a group of an ordinary people who were unjustly convicted by that strange Russian "criminal" article of a Criminal Codex. They went through a Constitutional Court of Russia, but were unsuccessful (of course). People from "president" of Russia and FSB were present at those court hearings and pressed already controlled judges.
My "criminal" case was dusted away for the 8 years in European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Russia is one of the main sponsor of ECHR. The ECHR is a joke, it is a fiction. They even not looked through the case of Baltic Republican Party banned by Kremlin. I was persistent and the ECHR finally decided, that Russia violated my Human Rights.
Well, I continued with Prussian issue. Through the years promoting East Prussia. Creating new allies with a different political groups at local and international level.
One of the successful move was a campaign for a visa free regime for our region with EU.
Mr. Putin was against it. He was saying, that visa-free regime should be for all citizens of Russia or to nobody (though he was pushing visa free regime for Kremlin's VIPs). Local authorities controlled by Putin kept quiet about visa situation. I started political campaign for facilitation of visa regime. We collected signatures of locals, picketed European consulates and finally picketed in Brussels in front of European Commission and European Parliament. Europeans heard our voice for Freedom. The EU gave a visa-free regime for a citizens of our region). We've been able to visit the EU (part of Poland) without visas. I personally did put Putin's words back to his mouth.
Then came an Ukrainian revolution, which I of course supported. Tensions are raised. Kremlin directly supported pro-Kremlin "separatists" in Ukraine with financial, informational and military support. At the same time secessionists inside of Russia are criminalized by a new "law", that Kremlin imposed. 5 years of prison or a big fine for even promotion Self-determination right. The main Human Right, Right for self-determination gone down the drain in Russia. Nations are not allowed to be Free in Russia. Even communists in Soviet Union respected that political right. The Right for self-determination were written in Constitution of Soviet Union.
Then came 11 of March 2014, my political friends installed a German flag at FSB building in Koenigsberg ( Kaliningrad. The FSB and police came to my apartments to arrest me and search apartments. They are failed. The things is I was ready for that. I smashed hard disks and modem of my computer. I did burn any political papers. I took away a SIM card from my phone. I did cut any contacts. I was hiding for a few months, looking from a distance at the fate of my friends in FSB prison. I was the voice of the silenced prisoners about the repression in our region and contacted local and international Human Rights organizations. The FSB was looking for me all that time. It was a constant surveillance by FSB near my home. They were using binoculars, as my neighbors told. After unsuccessful attempt to find me and arrest me, the FSB even visited my parents. The FSB officer introduced himself as "Yury Yurevich" and showed his FSB card. He told to my parents, that I should stop hiding and they will find me anyway. He left his phone number for me to contact him. I did contact nobody.
Update 2018:

The European Court of Human Rights officially admitted, that Russia violated my Human Rights in a bogus "criminal" case against me. I was waiting for that decision for eight years.

In 2017 somebody did put a fire to my apartment back to Königsberg. The fire spread to the neighbors, 10 people were evacuated.

There are 5 political prisoners ( recognized by a Human Rights organization) in Koenigsberg, four of them for supporting pro-Prussian views. They are in FSB ( new KGB) prisons without a trial since May 2017. Two of my friends were killed for political views while I was safe in USA. Boris Nemtsov was gunned down near by Kremlin. Sergei Pasko - the founder and former leader of Baltic Republican Party, I believe he was poisoned. Just recently Mr. Alexander Zakamsky was found dead while he was in FSB custody in Koenigsberg ( Kaliningrad) after he appealed to the public about torture in prison by FSB officers. Way to go USCIS!