At this moment in Brussels Kalningradians picketing European Parliament and European Commission in Brussels in the frame of campaign "Kaliningrad - Prisoner of Europe". 31 participants of the picketing, in particular, the publisher of the newspaper "Dvornik" Arseny Mahlov, the leaders of NGO "Spravedlivost" Konstantin Doroshok and Vitaly Lavrinovic, local MP from Chernyakhovsk Vera Safonova, head of the independent non-profit organization "New World" Alexander Shatsky and other activists from Kaliningrad region.
Arseny Mahlov passes from the scene.
15-06: We start picketing European Parliament and European Commission.
15-10: The Europeans are interested, waiting for the police to come .
15-35: No police and we still picketing without police permission. . Attention is big, especially when NATO generals are passed by. Our girls rushed to give them a leaflet about the Kaliningrad region, but the policeman stopped the unauthorized distribution, despite the fact that NATO generals willing to take! Journalists and officials European Commission joined to us.
15-37: Police commissioners arrived.
15-46: Police allowed us to move to the entrance to the European Commission with the distribution of leaflets.
16-00: Konstantin Doroshok went to Jose Manuel Barroso to hand over 4,500 signatures of Kaliningradians.
16-17: Signature handed over to personal assistant of Mr. Barroso. Our proposals for issuing multiple-entry visas will be considered at the next meeting of the International Affairs Commission and Mr. Barroso will send a reply.
16-23: Lars Gronbjerg ( an expert on relations with Russia) came to us. We made a suggestions on multiple visas. He expects an official document from the public in Kaliningrad with specific actions on facilitation of visa regime.
16-32: Commissioner Cecilia Malmström will be directly in charge of Kaliningrad. The protesters chanting: "We'll be back!"
16-48: Due to expected arriving any minute now of the Queen of Belgium to the building of the European Commission, followed an urgent request from the police to finish our picketing.
After the rally, I received a message from Brussels: "The picket was a success, Kostya handed signatures to the European Commission. We're going back with victory. Lvovich"
P.S. I`m sending picketers to the Brussels.