Today is a birthday of Immanuel Kant. Our Baltic Republican Party, put a flowers to the grave of great world philosopher. It is our tradition. We raised the flag of our banned Party. Long live Königsberg! Strangely enough a few days we were filmed, by one of the Kremlin TV station. We are not allowed even in the local press and TV by the Kremlin censorship, but now we are appearing on national level.
Language of the film - German. This really provides with a refreshing point of view on the restless Königsberg/Kaliningrad-issue. Obviously made by people emotionally unburdened by any memories from before 1945, it lacks any nostalgia for the times that once were.
In this respect 'Königsberg is dead' is at a lightyears' distance from the usual documentary about former East Prussia. It's quite good, though, and certainly made with great historical precision.
Most valuable is its documentation about the times after 1945. Extending these right to the present day, it reveals how the Kaliningraders have to deal with a strong indentity-problem. They are Russian, but their country doesn't look Russian; they live in today's Russia, but are constantly reminded of their country's German past; for their cultural interests they look westwards, while their country is tied up eastwards; They want to make a proper life, while Moscow hardly cares about them. Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Stories from the Kaliningrad region and its inhabitants: with the calamity of unemployment and the ravages of alcohol, many children are left to their own devices, in landscapes that are retuning to the wild. Games, dreams, solidarity, and the fierce will to live defy a forsaken world. The film tells the story of the East Prussian landscape and its inhabitants. A region steeped in history. At one time Germans, Poles, Lithuanians and Jews lived here alongside and with one another. After World War II and the expulsion of Germans by the decision of USSR, USA and UK at the Potsdam Conference, the Prussian province turned into a Russian exclave, more important geostrategically than economically. An absurd rudiment of political power games. The film dedicated to a generation, born in the 90's, and familiar with the Soviet Union and East Prussia only from school books. Their present is a different one. Parents and Grandparents who were resettled to where they are now have never really felt at home. In the meantime they have hopelessly succumb to unemployment and alcohol. Their children can only rely on themselves. Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5