Today Kaliningraders pay 35 euros for each departure from the limits of the Kaliningrad region. Passing all circles of the hell. Standing in queues at embassies, collecting documents, proofing something to officials and etc.
Couple of years back the error has been made. In our visa question were engaged mr. Putin and mr. Dmitry Rogozin ( Russia's ambassador to NATO). Before the introduction of Poland and Lithuania into EU, Kaliningraders had the right, without visas visit and remain in these countries up to 30 days and vice versa. Other inhabitants of Russia paid for it. Mr. Putin has decided to equate us with inhabitants of other Russia. As a result, we are cut in the rights in relation to other inhabitants of Russia. If we go to Belarus or to Ukraine, we are obliged to pay 35 euros for the Lithuanian transit visa. Other inhabitants of Russia go to these countries free of charge. It does not equal us with inhabitants of other Russia.
The thoughtless steps of the Kremlin and carelessness of EU power structures made us aliens in EU`s body. Back there by the hands of fascists was a Warsaw ghetto nowadays by the the hands of Kremlin and Bruxelles we have Kaliningrad ghetto.
On 18 June, Lithuania’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Vygaudas Ušackas, who is taking part in the European Council in Brussels with the delegation headed by President of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus, met with Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Justice, Freedom and Security Jacques Barrot and discussed the EU visa policy with regard to Belarus and the Kaliningrad region in Russia.
Minister V.Ušackas emphasized that proper EU visa policy in the region of East-Central Europe could play a special role in promoting regional economic, cultural and political cooperation.
The Minister stressed that Lithuania spoke up for a visa-free or a much more facilitated Schengen visa regime with all the countries in the Baltic Sea region.
According to Minister V.Ušackas, it was necessary to find flexible solutions, which would provide an opportunity for as much of free movement for residents of Russia’s Kaliningrad region and, respectively, the citizens of Lithuania as possible, and to cut visa cost for the citizens of Belarus.
Head of the Lithuanian diplomacy informed that currently Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Poland and Russia were preparing an initiative regarding the facilitation of travelling for residents of the EU Member States – Lithuania and Poland – and for residents of Russia’s Kaliningrad region.
V.Ušackas spoke up for a visa-free regime for residents of Russia’s Kaliningrad region and invited the Commission to come up with appropriate suggestions.
Vice-President of the European Commission J.Barrot said that he was allegedly ready to discuss the suggestions regarding the facilitated visa regime for residents of Russia’s Kaliningrad region and that he was waiting for joint suggestions of Lithuania, Poland and Russia.