We are starting the campaign for the annual "P-Russian Parade in Königsberg", in
Summer. It will be looking like an Orange Order Parade in the UK, but
with Ostpreußen flags and symbols. We will be marching proudly, wearing
black trousers and white shirts ( colours of Ostpreußen flag). We have
got no money for the live band ( now), but there will be a car ahead of
us, which will be playing old Prussian tunes and marches. It will be a
cultural event, so we will call for support worldwide. May be some
people abroad will come and join us on march, support the Parade
financially too. For today, without any advertisement 300 people are ready to join the Parade.On the 1-of May it will be a
trail version of Parade, probably without the music. We will walk around the Cathedral
( Königsberger Dom), along the Pregel river. The proper Parade planed in Summer. Organizers of the Parade decided, that the main Parade will be on 1 of July. We will invite Historical reenactment people, people with horses from Trakehnen and so on. If we will find sponsors, there will be free local beer for participants of Parade, concert and may be a fireworks. We invite anybody to join the Parade. e-mail rustamvasiliev@yahoo.com mobile phone +7 909 7755395
Financial support to the "P-Russian Parade in Königsberg 2012", you
could provide by donating money into our Visa debit card of "Finservice"
For Euro Bank Finserviсe JSC, Moscow, Russia SWIFT: KOMXRUMM асс. № 30109978900010002305 with Development Capital Bank, Moscow, Russia SWIFT: VIZIRUMM acc.№ 100-9478090-00 with Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt, Germany SWIFT: DEUTDEFF acc. No 40817978800001000001 in favor of : Rustam Vasilev, card № 4299 0771 2557 7650
For US dollars BANK FINSERVICE,MOSCOW,RUSSIA SWIFT – KOMX RU MM ACCOUNT № 30109840300010002305 With Development Capital Bank, MOSCOW, RUSSIA SWIFT: VIZI RU MM ACCOUNT №04446018 With Deutsche Bank Trust Company Аmericas,New York, UNITED STATES SWIFT:BKTR US 33 acc. No 40817840200001000001 in favor of : Rustam Vasilev, card № 4299 0771 2557 7650
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