Friday, August 9, 2024

Kremlin and the Baltic Republican Party

The Baltic Republican Party is now officially the "extremist organization" according to Russian Department of Justice document published July 25.

Link to the document (Use Russian VPN).

#109 Baltic Republican Party among Ethnic national movements

You won’t understand Kremlin comrades. The Kremlin has closed the Party in 2003. Now in 2024, they themselves officially have revived one of the oldest Party in modern Russia, but labelled us as "extremist organization". They did recognize, that they were unable to close the Party. We are "guilty" for having free political opinion. 

There is an article in Russian about Kremlin labeling the minority national organizations as "extremists". #30 Baltic Republican Party.

Hey, Kremlin guys, stop snorting cocaine! 🙂

P.S. Idiocracy of Kremlin. The Kremlin has labeled a world wide LGBTQ community as "extremist organization" too. 

Read more:

Hostages and political prisoners in Russia.

We are glad that American hostages, who were held in Russian prisons are returned back home. Some Russian political prisoners are free now, thanks to American and European administrations. There are still lots of political prisoners in Russia including Mikhail Feldman, Alexander Orshulevich and Vyacheslav Popov from Konigsberg.

Photo: Political prisoner Mikhail Feldman. Mr. Feldman was thrown in prison with a political accusations for a second time. He has protested against Russian aggression in Ukrainian.

The Baltic Republican Party at Forum in Washington DC.


The conference was held at Jamestown Foundation in Washington DC on April 16th. Rustam Vasilev has represented the Baltic Republican Party and Königsberg.

The American newspaper (Stars and Stripes) about the Baltic Republican Party

 The article in American newspaper about Königsberg and the Baltic Republican Party.

In Russia’s Kaliningrad, isolation and diminished threat to NATO

For years, there has been agitation among some fringe elements in Kaliningrad to form an autonomous Baltic Republic and possibly secede from Russia. The Baltic Republican Party was founded explicitly for that purpose in 1993 before being dissolved by Russia in 2003. One of its members, Rustam Vasiliev, continues to champion the group’s cause, even after immigrating from Kaliningrad to the United States nearly a decade ago. He envisions Kaliningrad as a Europe-leaning republic with Königsberg, the city’s former German name, as its capital.

Perhaps fallout from the Ukraine war could set the stage for such a split, he said. “The region is like a heavy suitcase without a handle for the Kremlin,” Vasiliev said. “It is inconvenient to carry, but the Kremlin is too greedy to drop it and walk away. What will be in the future only God knows.”

Read more at:
Source - Stars and Stripes

Friday, August 4, 2023

Baltic Republican Party at Forum in Tokyo, Japan.

 The Baltic Republican Party took part at Free Nations of post-Russia in Tokyo, Japan. Alexey Kozhevnikov represented Baltic Republican Party.

 Alexey Kozhevnikov's speech ( red by Marina Kozhevnikov).

Dear colleagues and listeners, my name is Alexey Kozhevnikov, allow me to present to you my views and ideas, proposals regarding Königsberg, as a regionalist and representative of the Baltic Republican Party. Together, we can create a completely new future for Königsberg. Our region, the Baltic Republic, is rapidly moving forward after decades of communist oppression. Königsberg is Europe! We take pride in our multicultural and multilingual team, united by our commitment to democracy and prosperity. Let's begin!

Let's consider the reasons why I strive for the independence of the Amber Territory. Firstly, it's the historical heritage. The city has a rich and unique history. Formerly known as Königsberg, it was the heart of East Prussia and had its own culture, traditions, and education. However, after World War II, the region was handed over to the Soviet Union and became part of Russia.

The second reason is the cultural heritage. The city inherited much from its German legacy, making it unique and distinct from other Russian regions. I believe preserving this cultural identity is important for our residents.

The third reason is economic development. Königsberg has a strategic geographical position, bordering Europe, which provides unique opportunities for economic growth and cooperation with other countries.

Our future is linked to friendship and integration with Europe, the United States, Japan, South Korea, and other civilized democratic countries. Our geographical proximity and cultural heritage allow us to interact easily with these nations.

Cooperation with the United States is also a key aspect of our development plan. Thanks to our strategic position on the Baltic Sea and levers of cooperation with Europe, we can provide the U.S. with additional opportunities for economic interaction and trade.

One fascinating fact about Königsberg that not many people know about is its connection to Japan. In the past, we had a Japanese consulate, and I want to tell you about the remarkable diplomat Chiune Sugihara. He was the Japanese consul in Königsberg during World War II.

( Photo: Chiune Sugihara with his wife and kids in Königsberg.)

Sugihara's story is one of heroism and saving lives. In 1940, when the Nazis were expelling Jews from Lithuania, Chiune Sugihara made a decision that saved several thousand Jewish lives. He began issuing Japanese visas despite orders from his government, allowing many Jews to leave the country and escape death.

This example of kindness and courage must be etched in our memory. We must remember such stories so that we never forget that kindness and compassion can overcome hatred and destruction.

The memory of Chiune Sugihara should serve as a reminder of the importance of fighting for freedom and the right of every person to live in safety and dignity. It also allows us to appreciate the significance of friendship and cooperation between nations as a key factor in achieving peace and prosperity.

(Photo: Alexey Kozhevnikov and Marina Kozhevnikova)

In conclusion, I want to emphasize that we must work together with the civilized global community to build a bright and successful future for Königsberg, where every individual can realize their potential and live in peace and prosperity. We need your support, especially for the many exiled political prisoners from the Baltic Republican Party who are already in prison or under investigation, and people who are on the run in other countries, unable to obtain refugee status. We ask for attention to this matter and assistance in providing political asylum for such individuals. Thank you for your attention and willingness to cooperate in creating a new European state!

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Baltic Republican Party at Free Nations Forum in America

 The Baltic Republican Party has participated in Free Nations Forum. The Forum was held in 3 American cities; Washington DC, Philadelphia and New York City. 

The leader of Baltic Republican Party Rustam Vasilev gave his speech at Hudson Institute in Washington DC. 

Rustam's speech:
"Dear friends!

I am from the Baltic Republican Party. We are the international team, multi-cultural and multi-lingual. I represent pro-European residents of the Koenigsberg region. I represent unlawfully expelled East Prussian families. I represent people from all over the world who support the Free Konigsberg political movement. I am pro-European and pro-American. 

Our region has many historical names like Prussia, East Prussia, Borussia etc. Lets call it the Baltic Republic for now. 

Eastern Europe is rapidly changing for the better, after a decades of communist oppression. Koenigsberg is Europe!

Moscow has no monopoly over the Koenigsberg region. We are

 much closer geographically, economically and politically to European capitols than to Moscow. We have got our own voice. The voice of Free Koenigsberg. 

The ruthless Kremlin regime wants an isolated Soviet Disneyland instead of a prosperous and open Koenigsberg. Koenigsberg is not North Korea, never was and never will be!

The original plate from the American consulate in Koenigsberg before WWII. I believe, someday the American consulate will reopen its doors in Konigsberg again. There are lots of historical connections between our region and America. 

 We are aiming for open borders with our European neighbors and democratic countries.  

We support Ukraine, Belarus and pro-European regions of Russia in their move towards European civilization. 

We are for the return of expelled East Prussians to the Homeland, to the Konigsberg region. There is nothing to divide amongst brothers in our European home. Historically, Koenigsberg was a melting pot of Europe. We are open for cooperation.

Moscow is threatening Europe. It is totally unacceptable.

To ensure lasting peace in the region, demilitarization of the region is inevitable; turning the Baltisk former Pillau military zone into a public tourist port for docking cruise ships instead of warships. 

There was the Baltic American Line that was operated 100 years ago between America and the Konigsberg region. Let's keep that tradition in the future and reconnect America directly with Koenigsberg. Koenigsberg was a part of the Hanseatic league ( Hansa). It is very important for us to build back the economic links with our Baltic sea neighbors. We need political freedom, open borders and economic growth. 

Right now, I ask the Free World community to put historical names of our region like Koenigsberg back on your own maps. Lithuania is a template for you, as they got rid of the "Kaliningrad" name on Lithuanian maps. Please, do not feed your kids in your schools with a Soviet propaganda like "Kaliningrad", "Sovetsk" etc. Communist Kalinin was a Soviet mass murderer. Even the Moscow region got rid of some Soviet names, but the Kremlin has left Soviet filth for Koenigsberg.

We support Koenigsberg! We care about the region and residents, even at this time of crisis. Join us, work and act for Liberty of Koenigsberg!

There are a few recognized political prisoners in Koenigsberg. I knew some of them personally. Let's not forget about them. Freedom to political prisoners!

The Baltic Republic has a future!

Preussens Gloria, God bless America."

A few questions were answered about political situation in Koenigsberg and return historical name to the Koenigsberg region like Prussia, East Prussia, Borussia etc.

Next stop was at Philadelphia PA. Former capitol of America and a heart of American Independence. Rustam Vasilev took part in Freedom Charter proclamation at City Hall. 

Next day of Forum was held in New York City at the Ukranian Institute of America. Three members of Baltic Republican Party took part at official and informal meetings at Ukranian Institute; Rustam Vasilev, Vadim Petrov and Andrii Ben ( Kyiv).

Photo: Ukranian Institute NYC, Rustam Vasilev together with former Ukranian MPs Oleh Medunytsia and Ihor Miroshnychenko.

The coordinator of Baltic Republican Party Vadim Petrov gave his speech online from Europe.

Free Koenigsberg!

Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Poland’s development minister, Waldemar Buda, said "Kaliningrad" would now officially be called Królewiec, its name when it was ruled by the Kingdom of Poland in the 15th and 16th centuries.

 Respect to Poland!

 The Baltic Republican Party was proclaiming for return back to historical names of Koenigsberg region since 90-s. Who is next Germany, America, Ukraine?

Polska strong!

Monday, February 13, 2023

Baltic Republican Party at European Parliament

On January 31, the 5th Forum of Free Nations of Post-Russia was held in the European Parliament in Brussels. 

Our German friend Florian Schur represented Baltic Republican Party at European Parliament. Our Party is international and multicultural. Florian has East Prussian roots. He is a true Ostpreuße.

His speech:

Sunday, January 8, 2023

The story of Baltic Republican Party

The Baltic Republican Party (BRP) a political party in Königsberg region. 

Founded on 1 December 1993. 

The main political purpose of the party was the establishment of an autonomous Baltic Republic instead of the Kaliningrad region and a close ties with European Union. The BRP also wants to restore Prussian names of the towns in the region instead of Soviet ones. Its leaders are Sergei Pasko (dead) and Rustam Vasilev. The founder of BRP Sergei Pasko was poisoned. 

The BRP was winning local elections and members of the Party were seated in local parliament.

 The BRP has lost its official status as a political party in Russia on 26 March 2003 due to Putin's law on political parties which required that Party should have a regional branches in half of Russia's regions and at least 10,000 members. Kremlin got rid any regional party in Russia and started from Baltic Republican Party.  

An appeal was lost in February 2005 before the so called Constitutional Court of Russia. 

The European Court of Human Rights refused to trial a case of Baltic Republican Party vs. Russia. Basically, the European Court supported a tyrant Putin and refused the right for a regional parties in Königsberg and Russia.

  The BRP continued its activities around the region, despite the ban in Russia. Promoting Freedom, democracy, human rights and history of the region among local population and abroad.

In 2010 the BRP has organized a movement for a visa free regime between Königsberg region and European Union. A 50.000 signatures of locals were gathered in support of idea. The BRP held a few rallies near local EU consulates and one rally in Brussels in front of European Parliament. The signatures were handled over to European Commissioner Cecilia Malmström. After that a visa free regime was esteblished between Königsberg region and northern parts of Poland.

The Baltic Republican Party has organized an annual event in Königsberg - the P-Russian Parade ( Prussian-Russian parade). A wide political spectrum was present at parades from liberals to nationalists. 

The BRP attended a couple of rallies in support of Ukraine and against war.

A few members of BRP and affiliated persons were persecuted and held in prisons for political opinion. A fake criminal cases by FSB and police, supported by Russian "judges" (appointed by Putin). Some members of BRB are escaped persecution by moving to Europe and America. Europe refused asylum to members of BRP stating that Russia is a good country, there were no persecutions and no fear for future persecutions. 

The BRP is still active around the world despite a betrayal by Western democracies.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Ukraine and Königsberg

The head of the European Commission said that during the crisis, 7.5 million Ukrainian refugees arrived in the EU.
 Currently, almost 3.2 million citizens of Ukraine live in Poland.
The Königsberg region is under blockade. The blockade is not only geopolitical, but also economic and cultural. There are already attacks at trucks with Russian license plates. The Russians will no longer be able to visit Poland and Lithuania as before. Ukrainians will avenge their dead relatives and destroyed Ukraine.
Millions of refugees from Ukraine could just  cross a border with Königsberg region. It is impossible to stop such migration. Archimedes' law and the movement of peoples. The loss of part of Ukraine for Ukrainians can be replenished by the new land of Königsberg.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

A letter of President Biden on Ukraine

 We are in a same boat here: Ukraine and Konigsberg region. We support Ukraine, America, Europe and even at some point in a future democratic Russia. Peace to the world, no need for war.

Slavs kill and maim each other. This must be stopped. The Baltic Republican Party is pleading to Kremlin to withdraw a Russian troops out of Ukraine. There is no other way to stop this senseless massacre. We still could talk it over and stop escalation.

Russian TV - Berlin and NYC nuclear strike

 A Russian state TV "Russia 1" discussing a nuclear strike at New York City with a "Sarmat" missile. See a subtitles.

Germany was supporting Putin's regime for decades, but not Konigsberg. Now Kremlin sends a message to Germany: "flight time of the Sarmat missile from Kaliningrad to Berlin is 106 seconds".

The Baltic Republican Party ( unlike Kremlin) always stood for demilitarization of Konigsberg region. We see our European neighbors as friends and brothers not an enemies. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Peace to the world, no need for war.

 A very strange war. Slavs kill and maim each other. This must be stopped. Russia to withdraw troops from Ukraine. There is no other way to stop this senseless massacre.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Baltic Republican Party supports Free Belarus.

The voice of a free Königsberg the Baltic Republican Party supports Belarus.

Time is changing. The communist dictators Putin and Lukashenko are a rotten Soviet past. They cannot stop time and preserve society. The free mind is stronger than the FSB, KGB, OMON, police extremism centers, courts and other destructive elements that hinder the development of the Belarus and Königsberg. The reactionary regimes in Belarus and in Königsberg are artificial and not viable in the modern European community. Free Belarus!